pyramidal decussation
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decussation of pyramids — n the crossing of the fibers of the corticospinal tracts from one side of the central nervous system to the other near the junction of the medulla and the spinal cord called also pyramidal decussation … Medical dictionary
Decussation of pyramids — Brain: Decussation of pyramids Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. ( pyramidal tract visible in red, and pyramidal decussation labeled at lower right.) Latin decussatio pyramidum Gray s … Wikipedia
Decussation of the pyramids — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = decussatio pyramidum GraySubject = 192 GrayPage = 870 Caption = Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. ( pyramidal tract visible in red, and pyramidal decussation labeled at lower right.) Caption2 =… … Wikipedia
decussation — SYN: decussatio. [L. decussatio] anterior tegmental d. [TA] See tegmental decussations (2). d. of brachia conjunctiva SYN: d. of superior cerebellar peduncles. dorsal tegmental d … Medical dictionary
pyramidal system — a collection of nerve fibres in the central nervous system that extend from the motor cortex in the brain to the spinal cord and are responsible for initiating movement. In the medulla oblongata the fibres form a pyramid (hence the name), within… … Medical dictionary
pyramidal system — a collection of nerve fibres in the central nervous system that extend from the motor cortex in the brain to the spinal cord and are responsible for initiating movement. In the medulla oblongata the fibres form a pyramid (hence the name), within… … The new mediacal dictionary
Sensory decussation — Brain: Sensory decussation The sensory tract. Latin decussatio lemnisci medialis Gray s subject #187 777 … Wikipedia
Система Пирамидная, Путь Пирамидный (Pyramidal System) — система нервных волокон, по которым произвольные двигательные импульсы от пирамидных клеток, расположенных в коре предцентральной извилины, направляются к двигательным ядрам черепных нервов и передним рогам спинного мозга. Пирамидный путь делится … Медицинские термины
Corticospinal tract — Pyramidal tract redirects here. This page refers to the nerve fibres underlying the pyramids. For the actual area of the brain, Pyramids, see Pyramid of medulla oblongata. Brain: Corticospinal tract Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. (… … Wikipedia
tract — An elongated area, e.g., path, track, way. SEE ALSO: fascicle. SYN: tractus. [L. tractus, a drawing out] alimentary t. SYN: digestive t.. anterior corticospinal t. uncrossed fibers forming a small bundle in the anterior funiculus of the … Medical dictionary