purpura fulminans

purpura fulminans
purpura ful·mi·nans -'fu̇l-mə-.nanz, -'fəl- n purpura of an often severe progressive form esp. of children that is characterized by widespread necrosis of the skin and that is associated with a severe illness, results from an inherited or acquired defect of a certain biochemical pathway, or is of unknown cause

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a form of nonthrombocytopenic purpura seen mainly in children, usually following an infectious disease such as scarlet fever or varicella; characteristics include fever, shock, anemia, and sudden and rapidly spreading symmetrical skin hemorrhages of the lower limbs, often with extensive intravascular thromboses and gangrene.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Purpura fulminans — is a haemorrhagic condition usually associated with sepsis or previous infection. It occurs mainly in babies and small children. It was first described by Guelliot in 1884. [cite journal|author=Guelliot A|year=1884|title=Note sur trois cas de… …   Wikipedia

  • Purpura fulminans — ● Purpura fulminans septicémie foudroyante, due à une infection à méningocoque, ou méningococcémie, atteignant surtout les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Purpura fulminans — Le purpura fulminans est une forme grave, parfois mortelle, de septicémie, touchant plus fréquemment les enfants et les adolescents. Il est du le plus souvent à une infection bactérienne à méningocoque (70%) et plus rarement à pneumocoque,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • purpura — [ pyrpyra ] n. m. • 1837; mot lat. « pourpre » ♦ Méd. Ensemble de taches cutanées, de couleur rouge foncé, dues à des hémorragies circonscrites au niveau de la peau (pétéchies). Par ext. Maladie caractérisée essentiellement par de petites… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Purpura — Unter Purpura versteht man kleinfleckige Kapillarblutungen in der Haut, Unterhaut (Subkutis) oder den Schleimhäuten. Die einzelnen Blutungen können punktförmig (Petechien), seltener auch streifenförmig (Vibex), kleinflächig (Ekchymose) oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Purpura — For the American poet, see Lia Purpura. Purpura Classification and external resources Petechia and purpura on the low limb due to medication induced vasculitis ICD …   Wikipedia

  • Purpura — A hemorrhage area in the surface of the skin. The affected area of skin with purpura is greater than 3 millimeters in diameter. The appearance of an individual area of purpura varies with the duration of the lesions. Early purpura is red and… …   Medical dictionary

  • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura — Classification and external resources Micrograph showing an advanced thrombotic microangiopathy, as may be seen in TTP. Kidney biopsy. PAS stain …   Wikipedia

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