- psychopharmaceutical
- psy·cho·phar·ma·ceu·ti·cal .sī-kō-.fär-mə-'süt-i-kəl n a drug having an effect on the mental state of the user
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
psychopharmaceutical — ¦sīkōˌ noun Etymology: psych + pharmaceutical : a drug having an effect on the mental state of the user * * * psychopharmaceutical see psycho … Useful english dictionary
psychopharmaceutical — noun Any drug used to treat a psychosis or similar disorder … Wiktionary
psychopharmaceutical — adj. pertaining to the study of the psychological effects of drugs and medications … English contemporary dictionary
psychopharmaceutical — psy·cho·pharmaceutical … English syllables
Peter Breggin — Peter Roger Breggin (born May 11, 1936)[1] is an American psychiatrist and critic of biological psychiatry and psychiatric medication. In his books, he advocates replacing psychiatry s use of drugs and electroconvulsive therapy with humanistic… … Wikipedia
Бреггин, Питер Роджер — Питер Роджер Бреггин Peter Roger Breggin Дата рождения: 11 мая 1936(1936 05 11) (76 лет) Страна … Википедия
Бреггин — Бреггин, Питер Роджер Питер Роджер Бреггин (англ. Peter Roger Breggin ) (родился 11 мая 1936 г.[1]) американский психиатр, автор многих научных трудов, книг и статей, издатель, член Американской психиатрической ассоциации, известный своим… … Википедия
wort — 1. A suffix in the popular names of many plants, such as liverwort, lungwort, woundwort, etc. 2. An infusion of malt. [A.S. wyrt, a plant] St. John s w. a shrubby perennial (Hypericum perforatum) with numerous orange yellow flowers whose petals… … Medical dictionary
Antipsychotic — Advertisement for Thorazine (chlorpromazine) from the 1950s[1] An antipsychotic (or neuroleptic) is a tranquilizing psychiatric medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions or hallucinations, as well as disordered tho … Wikipedia
Electroconvulsive therapy — Intervention ICD 10 PCS GZB ICD 9 CM 94.27 … Wikipedia