psychopathic personality

psychopathic personality
psychopathic personality n
2) an individual having an antisocial personality

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • psychopathic personality — n. 1. a person whose behavior is largely amoral and asocial and who is characterized by irresponsibility, lack of remorse or shame, perverse or impulsive (often criminal) behavior, and other serious personality defects, generally without… …   Universalium

  • psychopathic personality — n. 1. a person whose behavior is largely amoral and asocial and who is characterized by irresponsibility, lack of remorse or shame, perverse or impulsive (often criminal) behavior, and other serious personality defects, generally without… …   English World dictionary

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  • personality disorder — noun inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior • Hypernyms: ↑mental disorder, ↑mental disturbance, ↑disturbance, ↑psychological disorder, ↑folie • Hyponyms: ↑maladjustment, ↑antisocia …   Useful english dictionary

  • Психопатическая личность (psychopathic personality) — «Моральные и деятельные принципы разума сильно извращены или испорчены, власть над собой утрачена или ограничена и индивидуум неспособен говорить или рассуждать о каком либо предложенном ему предмете, а также вести себя с приличием и… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • personality — One of several concepts used by social scientists to refer to the individual (others include self and identity ). The concept has its origins in the Latin word persona (meaning ‘mask’), and refers to the set of more or less stable characteristics …   Dictionary of sociology

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