- protrusive
1) thrusting forward <\protrusive movements of the jaw>
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Protrusive — Pro*tru sive, a. 1. Thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion. E. Darwin. [1913 Webster] 2. Capable of being protruded; protrusile. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
protrusive — index obtrusive, prominent, salient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
protrusive — [prō tro͞o′siv, prətro͞o′siv] adj. [< L protrusus (see PROTRUSILE) + IVE] 1. protruding; jutting or bulging out 2. OBTRUSIVE protrusively adv. protrusiveness n … English World dictionary
protrusive — adjective Date: 1676 1. archaic thrusting forward 2. prominent, protuberant < a protrusive jaw > 3. obtrusive, pushing < a coarse protrusive manner > • protrusively adverb • protrus … New Collegiate Dictionary
protrusive — protrusively, adj. protrusiveness, n. /proh trooh siv, preuh /, adj. 1. projecting or protuberant; thrusting forward, upward, or outward. 2. obtrusive. 3. Archaic. pushing forward; having propulsive force. [1670 80; < L protrus(us) (ptp. of… … Universalium
protrusive — adjective a) that protrudes; protruding b) rather conspicuous; obtrusive … Wiktionary
protrusive — pro tru·sive || prəʊ truËsɪv /prÉ™ adj. projecting, sticking out; bulging outward, swelling outward … English contemporary dictionary
protrusive — pro·tru·sive … English syllables
protrusive — pro•tru•sive [[t]proʊˈtru sɪv, prə [/t]] adj. 1) projecting or protuberant; thrusting forward, upward, or outward 2) obtrusive 3) archaic pushing forward; having propulsive force pro•tru′sive•ly, adv. pro•tru′sive•ness, n … From formal English to slang
protrusive — /prəˈtrusɪv/ (say pruh troohsiv), / zɪv/ (say ziv) adjective 1. thrusting forward. 2. obtrusive. 3. projecting. –protrusively, adverb …