- propyl alcohol
a) the normal alcohol CH3CH2CH2OH that is used chiefly as a solvent and in organic synthesisb) ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
propyl alcohol — n. a colorless liquid, CH3CH2CH2OH, soluble in water, alcohol, or ether and used in organic synthesis and as a solvent, antiseptic, etc … English World dictionary
propyl alcohol — noun a clear colorless volatile liquid (alcohol) used as a solvent and antiseptic • Syn: ↑propanol • Hypernyms: ↑alcohol * * * noun : either of two isomeric liquid alcohols C3H7OH: a … Useful english dictionary
propyl alcohol — Chem. a colorless, water soluble liquid, C3H8O, used chiefly in organic synthesis and as a solvent. [1865 70] * * * ▪ chemical compound also called n propyl alcohol or 1 propanol one of two isomeric alcohols (alcohol) used as solvents… … Universalium
propyl alcohol — propilo alkoholis statusas T sritis chemija formulė H(CH₂)₃OH atitikmenys: angl. propyl alcohol rus. пропиловый спирт ryšiai: sinonimas – 1 propanolis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
propyl alcohol — pro′pyl al′cohol n. chem. a colorless, water soluble liquid, C3H8O, used chiefly in organic synthesis and as a solvent • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
propyl alcohol — /proʊpəl ˈælkəhɒl/ (say prohpuhl alkuhhol) noun one of two isomeric alcohols, C3H7OH. Also, propanol …
alcohol — ► NOUN 1) a colourless volatile liquid compound which is the intoxicating ingredient in drinks such as wine, beer, and spirits. 2) drink containing this. 3) Chemistry any organic compound containing a hydroxyl group OH: propyl alcohol. ORIGIN… … English terms dictionary
secondary propyl alcohol — Chem. See isopropyl alcohol. * * * … Universalium
n-propyl alcohol — a clear colorless liquid with an alcohol like odor, miscible with water and most organic solvents; used as a solvent for resins … Medical dictionary
secondary propyl alcohol — Chem. See isopropyl alcohol … Useful english dictionary