positive afterimage — A term used to denote an afterimage that has the same relative brightness relations as the primary optical stimulus (for example, a dark blue afterimage of a dark blue pen). The term positive afterimage is used in opposition to the term *… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
positive afterimage — teigiamasis povaizdis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. positive afterimage vok. positives Nachbild, n rus. положительное послеизображение, n pranc. postimage positive, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
positive afterimage — noun : a visual afterimage that retains the same light, dark, and color relationships as those appearing in the original image opposed to negative afterimage … Useful english dictionary
afterimage — Also referred to as aftersensation, afterimagery, and post image. All three terms are used to denote a group of visual percepts that occur in response to a primary light stimulus to the eye, typically noticed after the stimulus has been… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Afterimage — For other uses, see Afterimage (disambiguation). If the viewer stares at this image for 20 60 seconds and stares at a white object a negative afterimage will appear (in this case being cyan on magenta). This can also be achieved by the viewer… … Wikipedia
afterimage — /af teuhr im ij, ahf /, n. Psychol. a visual image or other sense impression that persists after the stimulus that caused it is no longer operative. [1875 80; trans. of G Nachbild; see AFTER, IMAGE] * * * ▪ psychology visual illusion in… … Universalium
afterimage — Persistence of a visual response after cessation of the stimulus. SYN: accidental image, negative image. negative a. a. in which the lightness relationship is reversed; if chromatic, it appears in complementary color. positive a. a. in which the… … Medical dictionary
Hering's afterimage — The eponym Hering s afterimage refers to the German psychologist and physiologist Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering (1834 1918). It is used to denote a positive afterimage that appears first in a temporal sequence of afterimages resulting from a… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Hess afterimage — The eponym Hess afterimage refers to the German ophthalmologist Carl von Hess (1863 1923). It is used to denote a positive afterimage that appears third in a temporal sequence of afterimages resulting from a brief light stimulus. Hess… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
negative afterimage — Also known as Purkinje afterimage. The adjective negative refers to the fact that the colours of this type of * afterimage are complementary to the colours of the primary stimulus. The term negative afterimage is used in opposition to… … Dictionary of Hallucinations