
A clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye. Also called the vitreous humor, "humor" in medicine referring to a fluid (or semifluid) substance.
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1. Glassy; resembling glass. 2. SYN: v. body. [L. vitreus, glassy, fr. vitrum, glass]
- persistent anterior hyperplastic primary v. a unilateral congenital abnormality occurring in full-term infants; characterized by a retrolental fibrovascular membrane formed by persistent primary v. with remnants of the hyaloid artery and tunica vasculosa lentis; associated with leukokoria, microphthalmos, shallow anterior chamber, and elongated ciliary processes.
- persistent posterior hyperplastic primary v. a unilateral congenital anomaly in full-term infants; associated with a congenital retinal fold and a v. membranous stalk containing remnants of the hyaloid artery.
- primary v. the v. first formed in the embryo between the optic cup and the lens vesicle, and later vascularized by the hyaloid artery and its branches.
- secondary v. avascular v. formed around the primary v..
- tertiary v. v. fibrils derived from the neuroepithelium of the ciliary body and forming the ciliary zonule.

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vit·re·ous 'vi-trē-əs adj of, relating to, constituting, or affecting the vitreous body <\vitreous hemorrhages>
vitreous n VITREOUS BODY

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vit·re·ous (vitґre-əs) 1. glasslike or hyaline. 2. vitreous body (corpus vitreum [TA]).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Vitreous — Vit re*ous, a. [L. vitreous, from vitrum glass; perhaps akin to videre to see (see {Vision}). Cf. {Varnish}.] 1. Consisting of, or resembling, glass; glassy; as, vitreous rocks. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to glass; derived from glass; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vitreous — refers to a material in an amorphous, glassy state (in contrast to a crystalline state). In such a state, the constituent atoms do not exhibit the long range order that is characteristic of crystals. However, they still exhibit short range order… …   Wikipedia

  • vitreous — (adj.) 1640s, from L. vitreus of glass, glassy, from vitreum glass, which perhaps was so called for its color (Cf. vitrium woad ). Vitreous humor attested from 1660s …   Etymology dictionary

  • vitreous — [vi′trē əs] adj. [L vitreus, glassy < vitrum, glass] 1. a) of, having the nature of, or like glass; glassy b) derived from or made of glass 2. of the vitreous humor vitreousness n …   English World dictionary

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  • vitreous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) like glass in appearance or physical properties. 2) (of a substance) derived from or containing glass. ORIGIN Latin vitreus, from vitrum glass …   English terms dictionary

  • vitreous — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from vitrum glass Date: 14th century 1. a. resembling glass (as in color, composition, brittleness, or luster) ; glassy < vitreous rocks > b. characterized by low porosity and usually… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vitreous — 1. adjective a) Of, or resembling glass; glassy b) Of, or relating to the vitreous humor of the eye 2. noun The vitreous humor …   Wiktionary

  • vitreous —   a. pertaining to or like glass.    ♦ vitreal, a.    ♦ vitrescent, a. becoming vitreous; able to be made into glass.    ♦ vitrescible, a. vitrifiable.    ♦ vitric, a. glassy.    ♦ vitrics, n. study of glassware.    ♦ vitrifacture, n. making of… …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • vitreous — adj. 1 of, or of the nature of, glass. 2 like glass in hardness, brittleness, transparency, structure, etc. (vitreous enamel). Phrases and idioms: vitreous humour (or body) Anat. a transparent jelly like tissue filling the eyeball. Derivatives:… …   Useful english dictionary

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