- phosphotungstate
- phos·pho·tung·state .fäs-fō-'təŋ-.stāt n a salt of a phosphotungstic acid
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phos·pho·tung·state (fos″fo-tungґstāt) a salt of phosphotungstic acid.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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phos·pho·tung·state (fos″fo-tungґstāt) a salt of phosphotungstic acid.Medical dictionary. 2011.
phosphotungstate — phos·pho·tungstate … English syllables
phosphotungstate — “+ noun Etymology: phosphotungstic + ate : a salt of a phosphotungstic acid called also tungstophosphate … Useful english dictionary
Phosphotungstic acid — Chembox new Name = Phosphotungstic acid ImageFile = Phosphotungstate 3D polyhedra.png ImageName = Structure of the phosphotungstate anion OtherNames = PTA, TPA, tungstophosphoric acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 12067 99 1 Section2 =… … Wikipedia
Polyoxometalate — The term polyoxometalate (abbreviated POM) is applied to an extremely large group of generally anionic clusters with frameworks built from transition metal oxo anions linked by shared oxide ions. The term is usually applied to clusters of 3 or… … Wikipedia
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent — The Folin Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) or Folin s phenol reagent or Folin Denis reagent is a mixture of phosphomolybdate and phosphotungstate used for the colorimetric assay of phenolic antioxidants and polyphenolic antioxidants. [Singleton VL,… … Wikipedia
Polyoxométallate — Le terme polyoxométallate (POM) regroupe une grande variété de clusters anioniques à bases de complexes oxo de métaux de transition. Dans la majorité des cas, les métaux de transition à la base des polyoxométallates sont le V(V) (on parlera alors … Wikipédia en Français
negative staining — Microscopic technique in which the object stands out against a dark background of stain. For electron microscopy the sample is suspended in a solution of an electron dense stain such as sodium phosphotungstate and then sprayed onto a support grid … Dictionary of molecular biology
stain — 1. To discolor. 2. To color; to dye. 3. A discoloration. 4. A dye used in histologic and bacteriologic technique. 5. A procedure in which a dye or combination of dyes and reagents is used to color the constituents of cells and tissues. For… … Medical dictionary
PHOSPHORE — Le phosphore doit son nom à la lumière qu’il émet par oxydation lente et spontanée, à la température ordinaire. Le moins abondant des éléments de la seconde rangée de la table périodique, il représente environ 1,3 p. 100 de la quantité de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
phospho- — CHIM élément, de phosphore. ⇒PHOSPH(O) , PHOSPHOR(O) , (PHOSPH , PHOSPHO , PHOSPHOR , PHOSPHORO )élém. formant Élém. tiré de phosphore, entrant dans la constr. de mots techn. (en partic. en chim., en biol. et en méd.) dont le signifié a un… … Encyclopédie Universelle