Virus, attenuated

Virus, attenuated
To attenuate is to weaken or to make (or become) thin. The word derives from a combination of the Latin prefix "ad-," meaning "to" or "toward," and "tenuis," meaning "thin." The use of "attenuate" in medicine is not new. In the 16th century, eating dried figs was claimed to attenuate the body fluids. Now "attenuate" refers to procedures that weaken an agent of disease (a pathogen). An attenuated virus is a weakened, less vigorous virus. A vaccine against a viral disease can be made from an attenuated, less virulent strain of the virus, a virus capable of stimulating an immune response and creating immunity but not causing illness.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • virus blockade — interference by a virus with the action of another virus; attenuated virus of a disease has been used to inhibit the multiplication of an active virus …   Medical dictionary

  • Attenuated virus — Attenuated redirects here. For the bacterial use of the term, see Attenuator (genetics) Attenuation in virology is reducing the virulence of a virus, whilst keeping it viable (or live ), for the purpose of creating a vaccine. It is the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Virus — This article is about the biological agent. For other uses, see Virus (disambiguation). For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to viruses. Viruses …   Wikipedia

  • Attenuated — Weakened, diluted, thinned, reduced, weakened, diminished. The use of attenuated in medicine is not new. In the 16th century, eating dried figs was claimed to attenuate the body fluids. Now attenuated refers to procedures that weaken an agent of… …   Medical dictionary

  • Virus — A microorganism smaller than a bacteria, which cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. A virus invades living cells and uses their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate itself. It may reproduce with fidelity or with… …   Medical dictionary

  • Attenuated virus — To attenuate is to weaken or to make (or become) thin. The word derives from a combination of the Latin prefix ad , meaning to or toward, and tenuis, meaning thin. The use of attenuate in medicine is not new. In the 16th century, eating dried… …   Medical dictionary

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  • street virus — noun : virulent or natural virus (as of rabies) as distinguished from virus attenuated in the laboratory * * * a virus, as rabies, obtained from a naturally infected animal and usually virulent, as opposed to a laboratory attenuated strain. [1910 …   Useful english dictionary

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