
Extremely noxious, damaging, deleterious, disease-causing (pathogenic). Marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course. Poisonous, venomous. The virulence of a microorganism is a measure of the severity of the disease it causes. The wordvirulentcomes from the Latinvirulentusfromvirusmeaning a slimy liquid, particularly one that is foul and poisonous.
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Extremely toxic, denoting a markedly pathogenic microorganism. [L. virulentus, poisonous]

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vir·u·lent -lənt adj
1 a) marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course <a \virulent infection>
b) able to overcome bodily defense mechanisms <a \virulent pathogen>
2) extremely poisonous or venomous: NOXIOUS

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vir·u·lent (virґu-lənt) [L. virulentus, from virus poison] pertaining to or characterized by virulence; exceedingly pathogenic or deleterious.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • virulent — virulent, ente [ virylɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • v. 1370 « infectieux, contagieux »; lat. virulentus « venimeux », de virus → virus 1 ♦ Vx Infectieux, contagieux. ♢ (1866) Mod. Qui a un certain degré de virulence (2o). Microbe très virulent. 2 ♦ (1751) Fig …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • virulent — VIRULÉNT, Ă, virulenţi, te, adj. Care are o mare toxicitate; care este în stare să producă boli; (despre boli) care este cauzat de un virus. ♦ fig. Distrugător, nimicitor; de o mare violenţă. – Din fr. virulent, lat. virulentus. Trimis de ana… …   Dicționar Român

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