Patch test — may refer to*Patch test (finite elements) *Patch test (medicine) … Wikipedia
patch test — patch′ test n. med a test for suspected allergy in which a patch impregnated with an allergen is applied to the skin • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
patch test — n. Med. a test for determining allergy to a specific substance, made by attaching a sample of it, often a small piece of material saturated with the substance, to the skin and observing the reaction … English World dictionary
Patch-Test — Der Patch Test in der Finite Elemente Methode ist ein einfacher Indikator für die Qualität eines finiten Elements. Er wurde von Bruce Irons entwickelt. Der Patch Test benutzt ein Gebiet aus mehreren Elementen, das so aufgebaut ist, dass die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Patch test — Lecture d un Prick test : différents allergènes ont été testés, certains sont fortement positifs, d autre moins. Le Patch test est une méthode utilisée en dermatologie pour déterminer si une substance spécifique est capable de provoquer une… … Wikipédia en Français
Patch-Test (Begriffsklärung) — Patch Test bezeichnet bei der Finite Elemente Methode einen Indikator für die Qualität eines finiten Elementes, siehe Patch Test in der Medizin einen Allergietest, siehe Epikutantest Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Patch test (finite elements) — The patch test in the finite element method is a simple indicator of the quality of a finite element, developed by Bruce Irons.The patch test uses a partial differential equation on a domain consisting from several elements set up so that the… … Wikipedia
Patch test (medicine) — A patch test is a method used to determine if a specific substance causes inflammation of the skin. It is often used to test for allergens.Any individual with suspected allergic contact dermatitis and/or atopic dermatitis needs patch testing. The … Wikipedia
patch test — Med. a test for suspected allergy by application to the skin of a patch impregnated with an allergen: allergic reaction is indicated by redness at the site of application. [1930 35] * * * Controlled application of biological or chemical… … Universalium
patch test — a test to discover which allergen is responsible for contact dermatitis in a patient. Very low concentrations of common allergens (and any substances suspected of causing the dermatitis in the individual patient) are applied under a patch on the… … The new mediacal dictionary