orthomyxovirus — [ôr΄thō mik΄sə vī′rəs] n. any of a family (Orthomyxoviridae) of RNA viruses affecting certain vertebrates, primarily causing upper respiratory infections; especially, any of a genus (Influenzavirus) causing influenza in human beings * * * … Universalium
orthomyxovirus — [ôr΄thō mik΄sə vī′rəs] n. any of a family (Orthomyxoviridae) of RNA viruses affecting certain vertebrates, primarily causing upper respiratory infections; especially, any of a genus (Influenzavirus) causing influenza in human beings … English World dictionary
orthomyxovirus — noun Any RNA virus of Orthomyxoviridae family characterised by having two long glycoprotein spikes. Swine influenza is an example of an orthomyxovirus … Wiktionary
orthomyxovirus — noun Etymology: New Latin, from orth + myxovirus Date: 1973 any of a family (Orthomyxoviridae) of single stranded RNA viruses that have their RNA divided into six to eight segments and that include the causative agents of influenza in vertebrates … New Collegiate Dictionary
Orthomyxovirus — Familie Orthomyxoviridae Influenzavirus in der TEM Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Orthomyxovirus — Orthomyxoviridae Orthomyxoviridae … Wikipédia en Français
orthomyxovirus — or•tho•myx•o•vi•rus [[t]ˌɔr θəˈmɪk səˌvaɪ rəs, ˌmɪk səˈvaɪ [/t]] n. pl. rus•es. mcr any of several RNA containing viruses, family Orthomyxoviridae, that are spherical or oval and have an envelope: includes viruses that cause influenza Also called … From formal English to slang
orthomyxovirus — n.m. Virus, agent de la grippe … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
orthomyxovirus — noun a group of viruses including those causing influenza • Hypernyms: ↑myxovirus … Useful english dictionary
ортомиксовирусы — (Orthomyxovirus) семейство вирусов, объединяющее вирусы гриппа; вирион О. имеет наружную липидосодержащую оболочку; геном представлен однонитчатой линейной фрагментированной молекулой РНК … Большой медицинский словарь