- organ of Corti
- organ of Cor·ti -'kȯrt-ē n a complex epithelial structure in the cochlea that in mammals is the chief part of the ear by which sound is directly perceived and that rests on the internal surface of the basilar membrane and contains two spiral rows of rods of Corti which arch over a spiral tunnel of Corti and support on the inner side a single row of columnar hair cells and on the outer side several rows having their bases surrounded by nerve-cell arborizations compare ARCH OF CORTICorti Alfonso Giacomo Gaspare (1822-1876)Italian anatomist. Corti is remembered for his pioneering investigations of the mammalian cochlea. Inspired by the color effect of chromic acid solutions, which were used as fixing agents, he introduced carmine staining into microscopic anatomy. This method enabled Corti to distinguish and describe the individual components of the membranous cochlea. A number of these components including the organ of Corti, the tunnel of Corti, and the rods of Corti are now identified with his name. Corti published his research in 1851.
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organum spirale.
Medical dictionary. 2011.