illusion — A false perception; the mistaking of something for what it is not. [L. illusio, fr. il ludo, pp. lusus, to play at, mock] i. of doubles SYN: Capgras syndrome. i. of movement successive stimulation of neighboring retinal points which causes the… … Medical dictionary
spatial disorientation — Inability to determine one s true body position, motion, and altitude (or, in water, depth) relative to the Earth or one s surroundings. It may result from a brain or nerve disorder or from limitations in the normal sensory apparatus. Most clues… … Universalium
ОКУЛОГИРАЛЬНАЯ ИЛЛЮЗИЯ — (англ. oculogyral illusion) см. Адекватный раздражитель, Окулогравическая иллюзия. Большой психологический словарь. М.: Прайм ЕВРОЗНАК. Под ред. Б.Г. Мещерякова, акад. В.П. Зинченко. 2003 … Большая психологическая энциклопедия