Syndrome, Barlow — Barlow syndrome is mitral valve prolapse (also known as "click murmur syndrome"), the most common heart valve abnormality, affecting 5 10% of the world population. Most patients have no symptoms and require no treatment. However, the… … Medical dictionary
Cheadle-Möller-Barlow syndrome — noun The disease scurvy especially in infants. Syn: Barlows disease, Cheadles disease, Moellers disease, Möller Barlow disease, scorbutus, scurvy … Wiktionary
Barlow's disease — noun The disease scurvy in infants. Syn: Cheadle Möller Barlow syndrome, Cheadles disease, Moellers disease, Möller Barlow disease, scorbutus, scurvy … Wiktionary
Barlow's syndrome — n MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE Barlow John Brereton (b 1924) South African cardiologist. Barlow first described mitral valve prolapse in an article on late systolic murmurs that was published in 1963 … Medical dictionary
Syndrome de Barlow — Prolapsus mitral prolapsus de la valve mitrale Le prolapsus mitral (ou prolapsus de la valve mitrale) est un trouble commun, habituellement bénin, du fonctionnement de la valve mitrale. On le nomme parfois syndrome de Barlow du nom du professeur… … Wikipédia en Français
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
Syndrome de stress post-traumatique — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… … Wikipédia en Français
Barlow — John B., South African cardiologist, *1924. See B. syndrome. Sir Thomas, British physician, 1845–1945. See B. disease … Medical dictionary
Möller-Barlow disease — noun The disease scurvy, especially in infants. Syn: Barlows disease, Cheadle Möller Barlow syndrome, Cheadles disease, Moellers disease, scorbutus, scurvy … Wiktionary
Sudden infant death syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 R95 ICD 9 798.0 … Wikipedia