- Varix
- An enlarged and convoluted vein, artery or lymphatic vessel.
* * *1. A dilated vein. 2. An enlarged and tortuous vein, artery, or lymphatic vessel. [L. v. (varic-), a dilated vein]- v. anastomoticus SYN: aneurysmal v..- aneurysmal v. dilation and tortuosity of a vein resulting from an acquired communication with an adjacent artery. SYN: Pott aneurysm, v. anastomoticus.- conjunctival v. SYN: varicula.- esophageal varices longitudinal venous varices at the lower end of the esophagus as a result of portal hypertension; they are superficial and liable to ulceration and massive bleeding.- lymph v. the formation of varices or cysts in the lymph node s in consequence of obstruction in the efferent lymphatics.- turbinal v. a condition of permanent dilation of the veins of the turbinated bodies, especially of the inferior turbinate.
* * *
var·ix 'var-iks n, pl var·i·ces 'var-ə-.sēz an abnormally dilated and lengthened vein, artery, or lymph vessel esp VARICOSE VEIN* * *
n. (pl. varices)a single varicose veins.* * *
va·rix (varґiks) pl. vaґrices [L.] an enlarged and tortuous vein, artery, or lymphatic vessel.
Medical dictionary. 2011.