
myo·gen·ic .mī-ə-'jen-ik also my·og·e·nous mī-'äj-ə-nəs adj
1) originating in muscle <\myogenic pain>
2) taking place or functioning in ordered rhythmic fashion because of inherent properties of cardiac muscle rather than by reason of specific neural stimuli <a \myogenic heartbeat> compare NEUROGENIC (2b)
myo·ge·nic·i·ty -jə-'nis-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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originating in muscle: applied to the inherent rhythmicity of contraction of some muscles (e.g. cardiac muscle), which does not depend on neural influences.

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my·o·gen·ic (mi″o-jenґik) 1. myogenetic. 2. originating in myocytes or muscle tissue.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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