Müllerian duct — Infobox Embryology Name = PAGENAME Latin = d. paramesonephricus GraySubject = 252 GrayPage = 1206 Caption = Urogenital sinus of female human embryo of eight and a half to nine weeks old. Caption2 = Tail end of human embryo, from eight and a half… … Wikipedia
Müllerian duct — (paramesonephric duct) either of the paired ducts that form adjacent to the Wolffian ducts (see mesonephros) in the embryo. In the female these ducts develop into the Fallopian tubes, uterus, and part of the vagina. In the male anti Müllerian… … The new mediacal dictionary
Müllerian duct — noun A certain duct (of which there are two) in an embryo which in a female develop into the oviducts, uterus, cervix and upper vagina. Syn: paramesonephric duct … Wiktionary
müllerian duct — noun Usage: sometimes capitalized M Etymology: müllerian from Johannes Peter Müller + English an : either of a pair of ducts parallel to the wolffian ducts in vertebrate animals and giving rise in the female to the oviducts … Useful english dictionary
Müllerian duct — Muller s duct … Dictionary of ichthyology
Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 33868 ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = 261550 MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS), an autosomal recessive [cite journal |pmid=8872466 … Wikipedia
müllerian — Attributed to or described by Johannes Müller. * * * mül·le·ri·an also muel·le·ri·an myü lir ē ən, mi , mə adj, often cap 1) discovered by or named after the German physiologist Johannes Peter Müller 2) discovered by or named after the German… … Medical dictionary
duct of müller — ˈmyülə(r), ˈmil , ˈmu̇l , ˈməl Usage: usually capitalized M Etymology: after Johannes P. Müller died 1858 German anatomist : müllerian duct … Useful english dictionary
Проток Парамезонефральный (Paramesonephric Duct), Проток Мюллеров (Mullerian Duct) — парный проток, который примыкает к протокам мезонефроса эмбриона. У особей женского пола из этих протоков в дальней шем развиваются фаллопиевы трубы, матка и часть влагалища. У мужчин же эти протоки практически дегенерируют (из них образуется… … Медицинские термины
Проток Мюллеров (Mullerian Duct) — см. Проток парамезонефрический. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины