Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis
- Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis
Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis n a chronic conjunctivitis caused by a rod-shaped bacterium of the genus
Moraxella (
M. lacunata) and now occurring rarely but formerly more prevalent in persons living under poor hygienic conditions
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angular c.
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Morax-Axenfeld bacillus — Mor·ax Ax·en·feld bacillus mȯr äks äk sən .feld n a rod shaped bacterium of the genus Moraxella (M. lacunata) that causes Morax Axenfeld conjunctivitis Mor·ax mȯ rȧks Victor (1866 1935) French ophthalmologist. Morax published a general summary … Medical dictionary
conjuntivitis de Morax-Axenfeld — Eng. Morax Axenfeld conjunctivitis Ver blefaroconjuntivitis angular … Diccionario de oftalmología
Morax-Axenfeld bacillus conjunctivitis diplococcus — Mor·ax Ax·en·feld bacillus, conjunctivitis, diplococcus (morґahks ahkґsen felt″) [Victor Morax, Swiss ophthalmologist in Paris, 1866–1935; Theodor Axenfeld, German ophthalmologist, 1867–1930] see under conjunctivitis, and see Moraxella… … Medical dictionary
angular conjunctivitis — conjunctivitis with characteristic reddening at the canthi, usually due to Morax Axenfeld bacillus or Staphylococcus aureus; called also diplobacillary c. and Morax Axenfeld c … Medical dictionary
Theodor Axenfeld — Karl Theodor Paul Polykarpus Axenfeld (June 24, 1867 July 29, 1930) was a German ophthalmologist who was born in Smyrna (İzmir) in the Ottoman Empire to a German minister. As a child his family moved back to Germany in the town of Godesberg. He… … Wikipedia
Victor Morax — (March 16, 1866 May 14, 1935) was a French ophthalmologist who was born in Morges, Switzerland. He studied biochemistry in Freiburg and medicine in Paris. From 1891 until 1903 he worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and from 1903 1928 he was … Wikipedia
Moraxella — A genus of obligately aerobic nonmotile bacteria (family Neisseriaceae) containing Gram negative coccoids or short rods that usually occur in pairs. They do not produce acid from carbohydrates, are oxidase positive and penicillin susceptible, and … Medical dictionary
КОНЪЮНКТИВИТ — КОНЪЮНКТИВИТ, conjunctivitis, воспаление соединительной оболочки глаз, весьма частое заболевание органа зрения и вместе с тем наиболее частая форма поражения самой соединительной оболочки. Частота К. объясняется с одной стороны тем, что конъ… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
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