molecular weight

molecular weight
molecular weight n the mass of a molecule that may be calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of its constituent atoms

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the weight of a molecule of a substance as compared with that of an atom of carbon 12; it is equal to the sum of the atomic weights of its constituent atoms and is dimensionless (cf. molecular mass and molar mass). Abbreviated Mol wt or MW. Although widely used, the term is not technically correct; relative molecular mass (Mr>) is preferable.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • molecular weight — n. the relative average weight of a molecule of a substance, expressed by a number equal to the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms in the molecule …   English World dictionary

  • molecular weight — Chem. the average weight of a molecule of an element or compound measured in units once based on the weight of one hydrogen atom taken as the standard or on 1/16 the weight of an oxygen atom, but after 1961 based on 1/12 the weight of the carbon… …   Universalium

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  • molecular weight — santykinė molekulinė masė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Molekulę sudarančių atomų santykinių atominių masių suma, skaitine verte lygi vieno medžiagos molio masei. atitikmenys: angl. molecular mass; molecular weight; relative molecular mass …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • molecular weight — (MW)    The sum of the atomic weights of all of the atoms within a molecule. Generally, molecules of the same type have higher boiling points if the molecular weight is higher …   Forensic science glossary

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  • molecular weight — weight of a molecule …   English contemporary dictionary

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