modified radical mastectomy
- modified radical mastectomy
modified radical mastectomy n a mastectomy that is similar to a radical mastectomy but does not include removal of the pectoral muscles compare SIMPLE MASTECTOMY
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simple mastectomy together with axillary lymphadenectomy, but with preservation of the pectoral muscles. See illustration.
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modified radical mastectomy — noun removal of a breast and the pectoralis minor and some lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit • Hypernyms: ↑mastectomy … Useful english dictionary
modified radical mastectomy — Surgery for breast cancer in which the breast, most or all of the lymph nodes under the arm, and the lining over the chest muscles are removed. Sometimes the surgeon also removes part of the chest wall muscles … English dictionary of cancer terms
Radical mastectomy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 85.45 MeSH … Wikipedia
radical mastectomy — n a mastectomy in which the breast tissue, associated skin, nipple, areola, axillary lymph nodes, and pectoral muscles are removed called also Halsted radical mastectomy compare MODIFIED RADICAL MASTECTOMY, SIMPLE MASTECTOMY * * * removal of the… … Medical dictionary
Mastectomy — Intervention Mastectomy patient ICD 9 CM 85.4 … Wikipedia
mastectomy — /ma stek teuh mee/, n., pl. mastectomies. Surg. the operation of removing all or part of the breast or mamma. Also called mammectomy. [1920 25; MAST + ECTOMY] * * * Surgical removal of a breast, usually because of breast cancer. If the cancer has … Universalium
Mastectomy — A general term for removal of the breast. usually to remove cancerous tissue. The operation can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient clinic, depending on how extensive it needs to be. It takes from two to three hours, with three to five… … Medical dictionary
mastectomy — n. surgical removal of a breast. Simple mastectomy, performed for extensive but not necessarily invasive tumours, involves simple removal of the breast; the skin and if possible the nipple may be retained and a prosthesis (see breast implant) may … The new mediacal dictionary
Mastectomy, radical — Removal of all breast tissue, from just under the collar bone to the abdomen, including the chest wall muscles. The axillary lymph nodes are also removed. This operation is rarely used anymore, having first been replaced by the modified radical… … Medical dictionary
Mastectomy, modified radical — Removal of the breast tissue and the axillary lymph nodes, which are under the arms … Medical dictionary