
The vestige left behind on a newborns belly when the umbilical cord is cut. Also called the navel or belly button.
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The pit in the center of the abdominal wall marking the point where the umbilical cord entered in the fetus. SYN: belly button, navel. [L. navel]

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um·bi·li·cus .əm-'bil-i-kəs, .əm--'- n, pl um·bi·li·ci .əm-'bil-ə-., -.; .əm--'-., -. or um·bi·li·cus·es NAVEL

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the navel: a circular depression in the centre of the abdomen marking the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the fetus.
umbilical adj.

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um·bil·i·cus (əm-bilґĭ-kəs) [L.] the navel: the cicatrix marking the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the fetus. Called also omphalus. [TA] the region of the abdomen surrounding the umbilicus; called also regio umbilicalis [TA alternative] and umbilical region.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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