- mentolabial
- men·to·la·bi·al .men-tō-'lā-bē-əl adj of, relating to, or lying between the chin and lower lip <the \mentolabial sulcus>
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men·to·la·bi·al (men″to-laґbe-əl) [mento- + labial] pertaining to the chin and lip.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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men·to·la·bi·al (men″to-laґbe-əl) [mento- + labial] pertaining to the chin and lip.Medical dictionary. 2011.
mentolabial — adj. 2 g. [Anatomia] Diz se de um músculo que vai do mento ao lábio inferior … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
mentolabial sulcus — sulcus mentolabialis [TA] the skin furrow between the lower lip and the chin. Called also mentolabial furrow … Medical dictionary
mentolabial furrow — see under sulcus … Medical dictionary
Sulcus — From the Latin for a groove, furrow, or trench. In medicine, there are many sulci (plural of sulcus) as, for example, the superior pulmonary sulcus. * * * 1. [TA] One of the grooves or furrows on the surface of the brain, bounding the several… … Medical dictionary
furrow — A groove or sulcus. [A.S. furh] digital f. SYN: digital crease. genital f. a groove on the genital tubercle in the embryo, appearing toward the end of the second month. gluteal f. SYN: gluteal … Medical dictionary
Surco (anatomía) — En anatomía humana, un surco o hendidura ([TA]: sulcus) es un término general usado para toda ranura o repliegue, especialmente las de la superficie de la corteza cerebral que separan circunvoluciones.[1] También se conoce especialmente como… … Wikipedia Español
regiones de la cabeza — zonas o áreas en las que se divide anatómicamente la cabeza [A01.2.01.001] Comprende las siguentes regiones: región frontal [A01.2.01.002] región parietal [A01.2.01.003] región occipital [A01.2.01.004] región temporal [A01.2.01.005] región… … Diccionario médico