Mean corpuscular volume — The mean corpuscular volume, or mean cell volume (MCV), is a measure of the average red blood cell volume that is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. In patients with anemia, it is the MCV measurement that allows classification… … Wikipedia
Mean platelet volume — (MPV) is a machine calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC. Since the average platelet size is larger when the body is producing increased numbers of… … Wikipedia
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin — The mean corpuscular hemoglobin, or mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), is the average mass of hemoglobin per red blood cell in a sample of blood. It is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. MCH value is diminished in hypochromic… … Wikipedia
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration — hemoglobin The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, or MCHC, is a measure of the concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells. It is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. It is calculated by… … Wikipedia
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration — mēn n the number of grams of hemoglobin per unit volume and usu. 100 milliliters of packed red blood cells that is found by multiplying the number of grams of hemoglobin per unit volume of the original blood sample of whole blood by 100 and… … Medical dictionary
Volume globulaire moyen — Le volume globulaire moyen ou VGM (Mean corpuscular volume ou MCV pour les anglophones) est une valeur biologique rendant compte de la taille des globules rouges. Il se mesure lors d une prise de sang sur l hémogramme ou numération sanguine. La… … Wikipédia en Français
volume — Space occupied by matter, expressed usually in cubic millimeters, cubic centimeters, liters, etc. See water. SEE ALSO: capacity. [L. volumen, something rolled up, scroll, fr. volvo, to roll] atomic v. the atomic weight of an element divided by… … Medical dictionary
packed cell volume — the volume of the red cells (erythrocytes) in blood, expressed as a fraction of the total volume of the blood. The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging blood in a tube and measuring the height of the red cell column as a fraction of… … Medical dictionary
packed cell volume — haematocrit the volume of the red cells (erythrocytes) in blood, expressed as a fraction of the total volume of the blood. The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging blood in a tube and measuring the height of the red cell column as a… … The new mediacal dictionary
MCV — Mean Corpuscular Volume (Medical » Physiology) Mean Corpuscular Volume (Medical » Laboratory) ** Mean Cell Volume (Medical » Physiology) * Mobile Construction Vehicle (Governmental » Military) * Motion Concept Vehicles (International » Spanish) * … Abbreviations dictionary