- mammillated
1) having nipples or small protuberances2) having the form of a bluntly rounded protuberance
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mam·mil·lat·ed (mamґĭ-lāt″əd) having nipple-like projections.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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mam·mil·lat·ed (mamґĭ-lāt″əd) having nipple-like projections.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Mammillated — Mammillate Mam mil*late, Mammillated Mam mil*la ted, a. [See {Mammilla}.] 1. Having small nipples, or small protuberances like nipples or mamm[ae]. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Bounded like a nipple; said of the apex of some shells. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mammillated — adjective Etymology: Late Latin mammillatus, from Latin mammilla Date: 1741 1. having nipples or small protuberances 2. having the form of a bluntly rounded protuberance … New Collegiate Dictionary
mammillated — adj. having nipples; shaped like a nipple … English contemporary dictionary
mammillated — mam·mil·lat·ed … English syllables
mammillated — adjective see mammillate … Useful english dictionary
List of Cherimoya cultivars — Cherimoya tree Cultivars of Cherimoya or Annona cherimola: Andrews Amarilla Asca Baste thick skinned. Bayott (Bays x ott) Small to medium, smooth ovoid. Bays Tree broad, to 6 metres (20 ft) fruits round, medium size, light green, skin shows… … Wikipedia
mammillation — 1. A nipple like projection. 2. The condition of being mamillated. * * * mam·mil·la·tion or mam·il·la·tion lā shən n 1) a mammillated or mammilliform protuberance 2) the condition of having nipples or protuberances resembling nipples * * *… … Medical dictionary
Mamillated — Mam il*la ted, a. See {Mammillated}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mammillate — Mam mil*late, Mammillated Mam mil*la ted, a. [See {Mammilla}.] 1. Having small nipples, or small protuberances like nipples or mamm[ae]. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Bounded like a nipple; said of the apex of some shells. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kambaldaite — Kambaldaite, NaNi4(CO3)3(OH)3·3H2O, is an extremely rare hydrated sodium nickel carbonate mineral described from gossanous material associated with Kambalda type komatiitic nickel ore deposits at Kambalda, Western Australia, and Widgie Townsite… … Wikipedia