linitis plastica

linitis plastica
li·ni·tis plas·ti·ca lə-'nīt-əs-'plas-ti-kə n carcinoma of the stomach characterized by thickening and diffuse infiltration of the wall rather than localization of the tumor in a discrete lump

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diffuse infiltration of the stomach submucosa with malignant tissue, producing rigidity and narrowing. Diagnosis by endoscopy may be difficult but radiological changes are more marked.

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diffuse fibrous proliferation of the submucous connective tissue of the stomach, resulting in thickening and fibrosis so that the organ is constricted, inelastic, and rigid (like a leather bottle). It is almost always a manifestation of gastric adenocarcinoma but is occasionally seen in certain benign conditions. Called also Brinton disease, gastric sclerosis, and leather bottle stomach.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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