lethal gene

lethal gene
lethal gene n a gene that in some (as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cells called also lethal factor, lethal mutant, lethal mutation

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a gene that, under certain conditions, causes the death of the individual carrying it. Lethal genes are usually recessive: an individual will die only if both his parents carry the gene. If only one parent is affected, the lethal effects of the gene will be masked by the dominant allele inherited from the normal parent.

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a gene the expression of which brings about the death of the organism; see also lethal equivalent.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • lethal gene — a gene that, under certain conditions, causes the death of the individual carrying it. Lethal genes are usually recessive: an individual will die only if both his parents carry the gene. If only one parent is affected, the lethal effects of the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • lethal gene — noun Date: 1939 a gene that in some (as homozygous) conditions may prevent development or cause the death of an organism or its germ cells called also lethal factor, lethal mutant, lethal mutation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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