- karyorrhectic
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kary·or·rhec·tic (kar″e-o-rekґtik) 1. pertaining to or characterized by karyorrhexis. 2. causing karyorrhexis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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kary·or·rhec·tic (kar″e-o-rekґtik) 1. pertaining to or characterized by karyorrhexis. 2. causing karyorrhexis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
karyorrhectic — kar·y·or·rhec·tic … English syllables
karyorrhectic — karēə|rektik adjective Etymology: kary + Greek rhēktikos apt to burst, from rhēktos that can be broken (from rhēgnynai to break) + ikos ic : of or relating to karyorrhexis … Useful english dictionary
Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis — A disorder, also called Kikuchi disease, that typically causes swollen glands in the neck (cervical lymphadeniopathy) together with fever or flu like symptoms. Laboratory test abnormalities include elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),… … Medical dictionary
karyoclastic — kar·yo·clas·tic .kar ē ō klas tik or kar·yo·cla·sic klā sik adj 1) KARYORRHECTIC 2) causing the interruption of mitosis … Medical dictionary