- intracutaneous test
- intracutaneous test n INTRADERMAL TEST
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intradermal t.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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intradermal t.Medical dictionary. 2011.
intracutaneous test — [in΄trə kyo͞o tā′nē əs] n. the injection of an antigen into the skin in order to determine whether or not the subject is allergic to it … English World dictionary
intracutaneous test — noun : a test for immunity or hypersensitivity to a particular antigen made by injecting a minute amount of diluted antigen into the skin compare patch test, scratch test * * * Immunol. a test for immunity or allergy to a particular antigen by… … Useful english dictionary
intracutaneous test — Immunol. a test for immunity or allergy to a particular antigen by observing the local reaction following injection of a small amount of the antigen into the skin. Also called intradermal test. Cf. patch test, scratch test. [1955 60] * * * … Universalium
test — 1. To prove; to try a substance; to determine the chemical nature of a substance by means of reagents. 2. A method of examination, as to determine the presence or absence of a definite disease or of some substance in any of the fluids, tissues,… … Medical dictionary
intracutaneous reaction — intradermal reaction the reaction to an intracutaneous injection of antigen in a skin test … Medical dictionary
intradermal test — n a test for immunity or hypersensitivity made by injecting a minute amount of diluted antigen into the skin called also intracutaneous test compare PATCH TEST, PRICK TEST, SCRATCH TEST … Medical dictionary
skin test — noun any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin • Hypernyms: ↑diagnostic test, ↑diagnostic assay • Hyponyms: ↑Dick test, ↑patch test, ↑Schick test, ↑scratch test, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
scratch test — noun a test to determine allergic sensitivity to various substances by applying them to scratches in the skin • Hypernyms: ↑skin test * * * noun 1. : a test to discover the amount of abrasive material present (as in a paste or powder detergent)… … Useful english dictionary
coccidioidin test — (for coccidioidomycosis) an intracutaneous test that makes use of the antigen coccidioidin. Because most individuals in endemic areas are skin test positive, this test is not useful in diagnosis. A negative skin test (cutaneous anergy) occurs in… … Medical dictionary
intradermal test — noun a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin • Syn: ↑subcutaneous test • Hypernyms: ↑skin test * * * noun : intracutaneous test … Useful english dictionary