insulin-like growth factor
- insulin-like growth factor
in·su·lin-like growth factor .in(t)-s(ə-)lən-.līk- n either of two polypeptides structurally similar to insulin that are secreted either during fetal development or during childhood and that mediate growth hormone activity esp insulin-like growth factor 1
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Insulin-like growth factor 1 — (IGF 1) that was once called somatomedin C, is a polypeptide protein hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. It plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults. Production and circulationIGF … Wikipedia
Insulin-like growth factor 2 — (IGF 2) is one of three protein hormones that share structural similarity to insulin. Gene structureIn humans, the IGF2 gene is located on chromosome 11p15.5, a region which contains numerous imprinted genes. In mice this homologous region is… … Wikipedia
insulin-like growth factor 1 — wən n the juvenile form of insulin like growth factor that is produced chiefly by the liver in response to growth hormone with production declining after puberty abbr. IGF 1 … Medical dictionary
Insulin-like growth factor — The insulin like growth factors (IGFs) are polypeptides with high sequence similarity to insulin. IGFs are part of a complex system that cells use to communicate with their physiologic environment. This complex system (often referred to as the… … Wikipedia
Insulin-like growth factor — Kalottenmodell des IGF 1 nach NMR Strukturdaten.[1] Die Insulin like growth factors (IGF) (deutsch Insulinähnliche Wachstumsfaktoren) sind Polypeptide, die eine hohe Sequenzhomologie zu Insulin zeigen. Sie sind Teil ei … Deutsch Wikipedia
insulin-like growth factor — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : either of two polypeptides structurally similar to insulin that are secreted either during fetal development or during childhood and that mediate growth hormone activity ; especially : insulin like growth factor 1 … Useful english dictionary
insulin-like growth factor 1 — noun : the juvenile form of insulin like growth factor that is produced chiefly by the liver in response to growth hormone with production declining after puberty abbreviation IGF 1 … Useful english dictionary
Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor — The Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF 1) Receptor is a transmembrane receptor that is activated by IGF 1 and by the related growth factor IGF 2. It belongs to the large class of tyrosine kinase receptors. This receptor mediates the effects of IGF … Wikipedia
Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor — In biochemistry and cell biology, the insulin like growth factor 2 receptor (IGF2R), also called the cation independent mannose 6 phosphate receptor (CI MPR), is a multifunctional protein receptor that binds insulin like growth factor 2 (IGF2) at … Wikipedia
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein — The Insulin like growth factor binding protein serves as a carrier protein for Insulin like growth factor 1.Approximately 98% of IGF 1 is always bound to one of 6 binding proteins (IGF BP). IGFBP 3, the most abundant protein, accounts for 80% of… … Wikipedia