- insectivore
- in·sec·ti·vore in-'sek-tə-.vō(ə)r, -.vȯ(ə)r n1) any mammal of the order Insectivora2) an insectivorous plant or animal
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in·sec·ti·vore (in-sekґtĭ-vor) an individual of the order Insectivora.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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in·sec·ti·vore (in-sekґtĭ-vor) an individual of the order Insectivora.Medical dictionary. 2011.
insectivore — [ ɛ̃sɛktivɔr ] adj. et n. m. • 1764; de insecte et vore ♦ Zool. Qui se nourrit principalement ou exclusivement d insectes. ⇒ entomophage. Oiseau insectivore. Plante insectivore. ⇒ carnivore. REM. On dit insecte entomophage. ♢ N. m. pl. LES… … Encyclopédie Universelle
insectivore — (n.) 1863, from Fr. insectivore (1817), from L. insectivorus, from comb. form of insectum (see INSECT (Cf. insect)) + vorare devour, swallow (see VORACITY (Cf. voracity)) … Etymology dictionary
Insectivore — In*sec ti*vore, n.; pl. {Insectivores} ( v[=o]rz). [F.] (Zo[ o]l.) One of the Insectivora. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insectivore — ► NOUN 1) an animal that feeds on insects and other invertebrates. 2) Zoology a mammal of an order (Insectivora) that includes the shrews, moles, and hedgehogs. DERIVATIVES insectivorous adjective … English terms dictionary
insectivore — [in sek′tə vôr΄] n. [Fr < ModL insectivorus: see INSECTIVOROUS] 1. any of an order (Insectivora) of generally small, primitive mammals that are active mainly at night and that feed principally on insects, as moles, shrews, or hedgehogs 2. any… … English World dictionary
Insectivore — Ne doit pas être confondu avec l ordre des Insectivora, regroupant les mammifères insectivores. Lézard insectivore en action. Les in … Wikipédia en Français
insectivore — /in sek teuh vawr , vohr /, n. 1. an insectivorous animal or plant. 2. any mammal of the order Insectivora, comprising the moles, shrews, and Old World hedgehogs. [1860 65; back formation from INSECTIVOROUS; see VORE] * * * Any member of the… … Universalium
insectivore — UK [ɪnˈsektɪˌvɔː(r)] / US [ɪnˈsektɪˌvɔr] noun [countable] Word forms insectivore : singular insectivore plural insectivores biology an animal or plant that eats insects • See: carnivore Derived word: insectivorous UK [ˌɪnsekˈtɪvərəs] / US… … English dictionary
Insectivore — An insectivore is a type of carnivore with a diet that consists chiefly of insects and similar small creatures.Although individually small, insects exist in enormous numbers and make up a very large part of the animal biomass in almost all non… … Wikipedia
insectivore — noun /ɪnˈsɛktəˌvɔː,ɪnˈsɛktəˌvɔɹ/ a) Insect eating animal or plant. An anteater is an insectivore with a long sticky tongue so it can catch its prey. b) mammal of the now abondaned order Insectivora. Syn: insectivoran See Also: Insectivora,… … Wiktionary
insectivore — (in sè kti vo r ) adj. Terme de zoologie. Qui vit d insectes. • La carpe, ce poisson insectivore, BERN. DE ST P. Harm. 2. • Cet appétit de préférence pour la viande crue indique une conformité de nature entre les oiseaux de proie et les… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré