- infraspecific
- in·fra·spe·cif·ic .in-frə-spi-'sif-ik adj included within a species <\infraspecific categories>
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
infraspecific — INFRASPECÍFIC, Ă adj. de rang inferior speciei. (< fr. infraspecifique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
infraspecific — [in΄frə spə sif′ik] adj. of or pertaining to any taxon or category within a species, as a subspecies … English World dictionary
infraspecific — adjective Date: 1939 occurring within a species < infraspecific variability > … New Collegiate Dictionary
infraspecific — “+ adjective Etymology: infra + specific : included within a species infraspecific categories … Useful english dictionary
Infraspecific taxon — In botanical nomenclature, an infraspecific taxon is a taxon at a rank below that of species (i.e. within a species, infra = below). An infraspecific taxon gets a ternary name … Wikipedia
infraspecific epithet — noun The third word in the scientific name of an infraspecific taxon, following the name of the species. This applies only to formal names of plants and fungi, and not to the formal names of bacteria or animals. In Cannabis sativa subsp. indica… … Wiktionary
infraspecific taxon — noun A taxon at a rank below that of species ( within the species ) with a three part name consisting of the species name and an infraspecific epithet … Wiktionary
infraspecific — n. [L. infra, underneath; species, kind] Within the species; usually applied to subspecies … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
infraspecific — /in freuh spi sif ik/, adj. of or pertaining to a subdivision of a species, as a subspecies, variety, or cultivar. [1935 40; INFRA + SPECIFIC] * * * … Universalium
infraspecific — adjective pertaining to a taxon at a rank lower than species. Usage: only in botany, not in zoology and bacteriology … Wiktionary