- Tibia
- The larger of the two bones in the leg (the smaller one being the fibula). The tibia is familiarly known as the shinbone. "Tibia" is a Latin word meaning both shinbone and flute. It is thought that "tibia" refers to both the bone and the musical instrument because flutes were once fashioned from the tibia (of animals).
* * *The medial and larger of the two bones of the leg, articulating with the femur, fibula, and talus. SYN: shin bone. [L. the large shinbone]- saber t. deformity of the t. occurring in tertiary syphilis or yaws, the bone having a marked forward convexity as a result of the formation of gummas and periostitis.- t. valga SYN: genu valgum.- t. vara SYN: genu varum.
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tib·ia 'tib-ē-ə n, pl -i·ae -ē-.ē, -ē-.ī also -i·as the inner and usu. larger of the two bones of the leg between the knee and ankle that articulates above with the femur and below with the talus called also shinbone* * *
n.the shin bone: the inner and larger bone of the lower leg. It articulates with the femur above, with the talus below, and with the fibula to the side (at both ends); at the lower end is a projection, the medial malleolus, forming part of the articulation with the talus.* * *
tib·ia (tibґe-ə) [L. “a pipe, fluteâ€] [TA] the shin bone: the inner and larger bone of the leg below the knee; it articulates with the femur and head of the fibula above and with the talus below. tibial adjTibia. Anterior (A) and posterior (B) views of the right tibia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.