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homolecithal — [hō΄mō les′i thəl] adj. [ HOMO + LECITH(IN) + AL] having the yolk small in amount and more or less evenly distributed, as in mammal eggs … English World dictionary
homolecithal — eggs with a small quantity of yolk which is evenly distributed. Also called isolecithal … Dictionary of ichthyology
homolecithal — /hoh meuh les euh theuhl/, adj. Embryol. having a fairly uniform distribution of yolk, as certain eggs or ova having relatively little yolk. [1890 95; HOMO + LECITHAL] * * * … Universalium
homolecithal — adj. having a yolk which is evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm (Embryology) … English contemporary dictionary
homolecithal — homo·lecithal … English syllables
homolecithal — ho•mo•lec•i•thal [[t]ˌhoʊ məˈlɛs ə θəl[/t]] adj. dvl (of an egg) having a fairly uniform distribution of yolk • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
homolecithal — “+ adjective Etymology: hom + lecithal : having the yolk small in amount and nearly uniformly distributed used of an egg; opposed to heterolecithal; compare alecithal * * * /hoh meuh les euh theuhl/, adj. Embryol. having a fairly uniform… … Useful english dictionary
homolecithal egg — An egg cell with a relatively small amount of yolk evenly distributed through the cytoplasm … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
egg — The female sexual cell, or gamete; after fertilization and fusion of the pronuclei it is a zygote and no longer an e.. In reptiles and birds, the e. is provided with a protective shell, membranes, albumin, and yolk for the nourishment of the … Medical dictionary
isolecithal — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ at iso + adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary is + lecithal : homolecithal * * * /uy seuh les euh theuhl/, adj. Embryol. homolecithal. [1925 30; ISO + LECITHAL] * * * isolecithal /ī … Useful english dictionary