
His·to·mo·nas .his--'mōn-əs n a genus of flagellate protozoans (family Mastigamoebidae) that are parasites in the liver and intestinal mucosa esp. of poultry, and are usu. considered to include a single species (H. meleagridis) that causes blackhead
his·to·mo·nad -'-.nad n
his·to·mo·nal -'mōn-əl adj

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His·to·mo·nas (histo-moґnəs) [histo- + Gr. monas unit, from monos single] a genus of ameboflagellate protozoa of the order Trichomonadida, parasitic in the cecum and liver of turkeys, chickens, pheasants, guinea fowl, and other wild and domestic fowl. H. meleaґgridis is the only pathogenic species, being the etiologic agent of histomoniasis, which is especially severe in turkeys. It is usually transmitted in the eggs of the nematode coparasite Heterakis gallinae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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