Thoracic duct

Thoracic duct
A vascular structure which recirculates lymph into the blood stream. It begins in the abdomen and tracks alongside the aorta and esophagus to eventually join with the left brachiocephalic vein.

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thoracic duct n the main trunk of the system of lymphatic vessels that lies along the front of the spinal column, extends from a dilatation behind the aorta and opposite the second lumbar vertebra up through the thorax where it turns to the left and opens into the left subclavian vein, and receives chyle from the intestine and lymph from the abdomen, the lower limbs, and the entire left side of the body called also left lymphatic duct

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one of the two main trunks of the lymphatic system. It receives lymph from both legs, the lower abdomen, left thorax, left side of the head, and left arm and drains into the left innominate vein.

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ductus thoracicus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Thoracic duct — Thoracic Tho*rac ic, a. [Cf. F. thoracique.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest. [1913 Webster] {Thoracic duct} (Anat.), the great trunk of the lymphatic vessels, situated on the ventral side of the vertebral column in the thorax… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thoracic duct — n. the main canal of the lymphatic system, passing along the front of the spinal column, collecting lymph and conveying it into the left subclavian vein …   English World dictionary

  • Thoracic duct — Lymph: Thoracic duct The thoracic and right lymphatic ducts. (Thoracic duct is thin vertical white line at center.) …   Wikipedia

  • thoracic duct — The major efferent lymph duct into which lymph from most of the peripheral lymph nodes drains. Recirculating lymphocytes that have left the circulation in the lymph node return to the blood through the thoracic duct …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • thoracic duct —    This is the body s main lymph collecting vessel.    It starts in the little collecting bladder in the abdomen (the cisterna chyli), moves up the center of the body in front of the spinal chord, alongside the esophagus and aorta to the neck,… …   Herbal-medical glossary

  • thoracic duct — thorac′ic duct′ n. anat. the main trunk of the lymphatic system, passing along the spinal column in the thoracic cavity and conveying a large amount of lymph and chyle into the venous circulation • Etymology: 1720–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • thoracic duct — Anat. the main trunk of the lymphatic system, passing along the spinal column in the thoracic cavity, and conveying a large amount of lymph and chyle into the venous circulation. [1720 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • thoracic duct — /θəræsɪk ˈdʌkt/ (say thuhrasik dukt) noun the main trunk of the lymphatic system, passing along the spinal column in the thoracic cavity, and conveying a large amount of lymph and chyle into the venous circulation …  

  • thoracic duct — noun the major duct of the lymphatic system • Hypernyms: ↑lymph vessel, ↑lymphatic vessel • Part Holonyms: ↑lymphatic system, ↑systema lymphaticum …   Useful english dictionary

  • thoracic duct — noun Date: circa 1741 the main trunk of the system of lymphatic vessels that lies along the front of the spinal column and opens into the left subclavian vein …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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