- herbicide
her·bi·cid·al·ly -əl-ē adv
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her·bi·cide (urґ-) (hurґbĭ-sīd) [herb + -cide] an agent that is destructive to weeds or causes an alteration in their normal growth.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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her·bi·cide (urґ-) (hurґbĭ-sīd) [herb + -cide] an agent that is destructive to weeds or causes an alteration in their normal growth.Medical dictionary. 2011.
herbicide — [ ɛrbisid ] adj. et n. m. • v. 1930; de herbe et cide ♦ Didact. Qui détruit les mauvaises herbes. Produit herbicide. N. m. Un herbicide. ⇒ pesticide; débroussaillant, défoliant, désherbant. ● herbicide adjectif et nom masculin Se dit d un produit … Encyclopédie Universelle
herbicide — herbicide. См. гербицид. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
herbicide — 1888, originally a trademark name, from HERB (Cf. herb) + CIDE (Cf. cide) … Etymology dictionary
herbicide — [n] poison DDT, defoliant, fungicide, insecticide, paraquat, pesticide, weedkiller; concepts 307,475,674,675 … New thesaurus
herbicide — ► NOUN ▪ a toxic substance used to destroy unwanted vegetation … English terms dictionary
herbicide — [hʉr′bə sīd΄, ʉr′bə sīd΄] n. [herbi (< L herba, HERB) + CIDE] any chemical substance used to destroy plants, esp. weeds, or to check their growth herbicidal adj … English World dictionary
Herbicide — Weeds killed with herbicide Herbicides, also commonly known as weedkillers, are pesticides used to kill unwanted plants.[1] Selective herbicides kill specific targets while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. Some of these act by… … Wikipedia
Herbicide — Dans la famille des pesticides[1], elle même incluse dans la famille des biocides[2], on appelle herbicide toute substance active ou une préparation ayant la propriété de tuer les végétaux. Le terme « désherbant » est un synonyme d… … Wikipédia en Français
herbicide — UK [ˈhɜː(r)bɪsaɪd] / US [ˈɜrbɪˌsaɪd] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms herbicide : singular herbicide plural herbicides a chemical used for killing weeds (= plants that are not wanted) … English dictionary
herbicide — herbicidal, adj. /herr beuh suyd , err /, n. a substance or preparation for killing plants, esp. weeds. [1895 1900; HERB + I + CIDE] * * * Agent, usually chemical, for killing or inhibiting the growth of unwanted plants (weeds). Modern weed… … Universalium
herbicide — [[t]hɜ͟ː(r)bɪsaɪd, AM ɜ͟ː(r)b [/t]] herbicides N MASS A herbicide is a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds … English dictionary