Thallium scan

Thallium scan
A method of examining the heart to obtain information about the blood supply to the heart muscle. In the scan, special cameras take a series of pictures of the heart. Radioactive thallium is injected into the bloodstream and serves as a tracer. The tracer attaches to certain cells and makes them visible to the special camera. The tracer attaches to the muscle cells of the heart so the imaging camera can take pictures of the heart muscles. If an area of the heart does not receive an adequate flow of blood, the cells in the underserved area do not receive as much tracer and it appears as a darker area on the picture taken by the camera. The thallium scan can be done in two basic ways, namely as a: {{}}Stress exercise thallium scanone exercises on a treadmill to stress the heart by making it go faster and more strongly ; or Adenosine thallium scanone receives adenosine (or another medication) to similarly stress the heart. For more details, please see the entries to Stress exercise thallium scan and Adenosine thallium scan .

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a method of studying blood flow through the heart muscle (myocardium) and diagnosing myocardial ischaemia using an injection of the radioisotope thallium-201. Defects of perfusion, such as a recent infarct, emit little or no radioactivity and are seen as 'cold spots' when an image is formed using a gamma camera and computer. Exercise may be used to provoke 'cold spots' in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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