Gulf War syndrome — (GWS) or Gulf War illness (GWI) is an illness reported by combat veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War typified by symptoms including immune system disorders and birth defects. It has not always been clear whether these symptoms were related to… … Wikipedia
Gulf War syndrome — n. a chronic medical condition of unproven origin experienced by some Gulf War (1991) veterans, characterized variously by fatigue, headaches, memory loss, aching joints, etc. * * * n [U] a disease that has affected many of the soldiers who… … Universalium
Gulf War Syndrome — Gulf War ,Syndrome noun uncount a disease suffered by soldiers who fought in the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf. The cause of the disease is not exactly known … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Gulf War syndrome — ► NOUN ▪ an unexplained medical condition affecting some veterans of the 1991 Gulf War, causing fatigue, chronic headaches, and skin and respiratory disorders … English terms dictionary
Gulf War syndrome — n. a chronic medical condition of unproven origin experienced by some Gulf War (1991) veterans, characterized variously by fatigue, headaches, memory loss, aching joints, etc … English World dictionary
Gulf war syndrome — Das Golfkriegssyndrom (auch Balkan Syndrom genannt) ist ein medizinischer Begriff (engl. gulf war syndrome), der eine Summe von Krankheiten zusammenfasst, die erstmals bei den heimgekehrten Soldaten des Zweiten Golfkrieges (Kuwait und Irak, 1991) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gulf War syndrome — noun a medical condition of uncertain origin that affected many veterans of the 1991 Gulf War; characterized by fatigue and headache and dizziness and nausea and rashes and joint pain and respiratory disorders • Syn: ↑Persian Gulf illness •… … Useful english dictionary
Gulf War Syndrome — Gulf War Syn|drome one or more illnesses suffered by soldiers who fought in the Gulf War, which some people believe may have been caused by chemicals or drugs used in the war. The most common illnesses are head pains, damage to the memory, and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Gulf War syndrome — a variety of symptoms, mainly neurological (including chronic fatigue, dizziness, amnesia, digestive upsets, and muscle wasting), that have been attributed to exposure of armed forces personnel to chemicals (e.g. insecticides) used during the… … Medical dictionary
Gulf War syndrome — a variety of symptoms, mainly neurological (including chronic fatigue, dizziness, amnesia, digestive upsets, and muscle wasting), that have been attributed to exposure of armed forces personnel to chemicals (e.g. insecticides) used during the… … The new mediacal dictionary