gravitational field

gravitational field
gravitational field n the space around an object having mass in which the object's gravitational influence can be detected

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Gravitational field — A gravitational field is a model used within physics to explain how gravity exists in the universe. In its original concept, gravity was a force between point masses. Following Newton, Laplace attempted to model gravity as some kind of radiation… …   Wikipedia

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  • gravitational field — gravitacijos laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gravitational field vok. Gravitationsfeld, n; Schwerefeld, n rus. гравитационное поле, n; поле тяготения, n pranc. champ de gravitation, m; champ de pesanteur, m; champ… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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  • gravitational field — noun the field produced by the gravitational force of mass …   Wiktionary

  • gravitational field — n. region of gravitational attraction, field of force that encircles a body of finite mass …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gravitational field — noun a field of force surrounding a body of finite mass (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑field, ↑field of force, ↑force field …   Useful english dictionary

  • gravitational field — Physics. 1. the attractive effect, considered as extending throughout space, of matter on other matter. 2. the region surrounding an astronomical body in which the force of gravitation is strong. [1915 20] * * * …   Universalium

  • gravitational field — /grævəˌteɪʃənəl ˈfild / (say gravuh.tayshuhnuhl feeld) noun the region in which a body with a finite mass exerts an appreciable force of attraction on another body of finite mass, as a result of their masses …  

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