- glutamate dehydrogenase
- glutamate dehydrogenase n an enzyme present esp. in liver mitochondria and cytosol that catalyzes the oxidation of glutamate to ammonia and à-ketoglutaric acid
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Medical dictionary. 2011.
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Medical dictionary. 2011.
Glutamate dehydrogenase — protein Name= glutamate dehydrogenase 1 caption= width= HGNCid=4335 Symbol=GLUD1 AltSymbols=GLUD EntrezGene=2746 OMIM=138130 RefSeq=NM 005271 UniProt=P00367 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=10 Arm=q Band=21.1 LocusSupplementaryData= 24.3protein… … Wikipedia
Glutamate dehydrogenase 1 — GLUD1 (Glutamate dehydrogenase 1) is a mitochondrial matrix enzyme, with a key role in the nitrogen and glutamate (Glu) metabolism and the energy homeostasis. GLUD1 is expressed at high levels in liver, brain, pancreas and kidney, but not in… … Wikipedia
glutamate dehydrogenase — glutamic acid dehydrogenase an important enzyme involved in the deamination of amino acids … The new mediacal dictionary
glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] — glu·ta·mate de·hy·dro·gen·ase [NAD(P)+] (glooґtə māt de hiґdro jən ās) [EC] an enzyme of the oxidoreductase class that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of glutamate to form α ketoglutarate, using either NAD+ or … Medical dictionary
glutamate dehydrogenase — /ˌglutəmeɪt ˌdihaɪˈdrɒdʒəneɪz/ (say .gloohtuhmayt .deehuy drojuhnayz) noun a key enzyme in the assimilation and removal of ammonia, which catalyses the oxidation of glutamic acid to ammonia and alpha ketoglutaric acid …
Dehydrogenase — A dehydrogenase (also called DHO in the literature) is an enzyme that oxidises a substrate by a reduction reaction that transfers one or more hydrides (H−) to an electron acceptor, usually NAD+/NADP+ or a flavin coenzyme such as FAD or FMN.… … Wikipedia
Глютамат Дегидрогеназа (Glutamate Dehydrogenase), Дегидрогеназа Глютаминовой Кислоты (Glutamic Acid Dehydrogenase) — важный фермент, участвующий в процессе дезаминирования аминокислот. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
glutamic acid dehydrogenase — glutamate dehydrogenase … The new mediacal dictionary
Glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase — In enzymology, a glutamate 5 semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:L glutamate 5 semialdehyde + phosphate + NADP+ ightleftharpoons L glutamyl 5 phosphate + NADPH + H+The 3 substrates of… … Wikipedia
Succinate dehydrogenase — (ubiquinone) Subunits: SdhA, SdhB, SdhC and SdhD Identifiers EC number … Wikipedia