giant kidney worm — noun : a blood red nematode worm (Dioctophyme renale) that sometimes exceeds a yard in length and that invades the kidneys of dogs and occasionally other mammals including man … Useful english dictionary
kidney worm — n any of several nematode worms parasitic in the kidneys: as a) GIANT KIDNEY WORM b) a common and destructive black and white worm of the genus Stephanurus (S. dentatus) that is related to the gapeworm but attains a length of two inches (five… … Medical dictionary
kidney worm — noun : any of several nematode worms parasitic in the kidneys: as a. : giant kidney worm b. : a common and destructive black and white worm (Stephanurus dentatus) that is related to the gapeworm but attains a length of two inches and is parasitic … Useful english dictionary
Dioctophyme renale — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Se … Wikipedia
Dioctophyma renale — or the giant kidney worm is a common parasital worm found especially in carnivorous animals, particularly minks and mustelids. It can also infect cats, dogs and humans. Becoming up to 60 centimeters in length in mink and up to 100 centimeters in… … Wikipedia
Fadenwurminfektionen des Hundes — – die Ansteckung (Infektion, auch Infestation) von Hunden mit parasitisch lebenden Fadenwürmern (Nematoda) – sind neben dem Bandwurmbefall und den Infektionen mit Einzellern (Giardiose, Neosporose) häufige Parasitosen in der tierärztlichen Praxis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nematode — Not to be confused with ringworm. Nematodes Unidentified roundworm from wet soil. The mouth is at the top left corner. Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Maned wolf — [1] A captive maned wolf at Beardsley Zoo Conservation status … Wikipedia
Wurminfektionen der Katze — – die Ansteckung (Infektion) von Katzen (Felidae) mit parasitisch lebenden Würmern – kommen häufig vor. Die meisten Wurmarten treten sowohl bei Haus als auch den übrigen Katzen weltweit auf, hinsichtlich der Befallshäufigkeit gibt es aber… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dioctophymiasis — Infection of animals and rarely humans with the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma renale … Medical dictionary