Frei test

Frei test
Frei test 'frī- n a serological test for the identification of lymphogranuloma venereum called also Frei skin test
Frei Wilhelm Siegmund (1885-1943)
German dermatologist. Frei did research in allergic diseases of the skin and experimental syphilis. He described lymphogranuloma venereum and introduced a specific cutaneous diagnostic test for it in 1925.

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a rarely used diagnostic test for the sexually transmitted disease lymphogranuloma venereum. A small quantity of the virus, inactivated by heat, is injected into the patient's skin. If the disease is present a small red swelling appears at the site of injection within 48 hours.
W. S. Frei (1885-1943), German dermatologist

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • frei test — ˈfrī noun Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology: after Wilhelm Siegmund Frei died 1943 German dermatologist : a serologic test for the identification of lymphogranuloma venereum called also Frei skin test …   Useful english dictionary

  • Frei test — a rarely used diagnostic test for the sexually transmitted disease lymphogranuloma venereum. A small quantity of the virus, inactivated by heat, is injected into the patient s skin. If the disease is present a small red swelling appears at the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • Wilhelm Siegmund Frei — (September 5, 1885 January 27, 1943) was a German dermatologist. Frei was best known for his contributions to Durand Nicholas Favre disease, a sexually transmitted disease found mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. And the Frei Antigen… …   Wikipedia

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