Fraunhofer lines

Fraunhofer lines
Fraun·ho·fer lines 'frau̇n-.hōf-ər- n pl the dark lines in the spectrum of sunlight
Fraunhofer Joseph von (1787-1826)
German optician and physicist. Fraunhofer was a master theoretical optician as well as an expert maker of glass lenses and precision optical instruments. He effected the improvement of the homogeneity of optical glass and increased the size of the blanks free of imperfections, thus making possible the construction of large-diameter lenses. He sought to determine precisely the dispersion and index of refraction for different kinds of optical glass so that the construction of lenses could be based on optical theory and calculation. In 1814 he observed the effect of the refracting medium on light and found that the solar spectrum is crossed with many fine lines. He mapped over 570 lines that he observed between the red and violet ends of the spectrum. With these lines, now known as the Fraunhofer lines, as guides, he determined with unprecedented precision the optical constants of various kinds of glass.

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  • Fraunhofer lines — Fraun ho*fer lines prop. n. pl.. (Physics.) The lines of the spectrum; especially and properly, the dark lines of the solar spectrum, so called because first accurately observed and interpreted by Fraunhofer, a German physicist. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fraunhofer lines — [froun′hō΄fər] n. [after Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787 1826), Bavarian optician, who first mapped them accurately] the dark lines visible in the spectrum of the sun or a star …   English World dictionary

  • Fraunhofer lines — In physics and optics, the Fraunhofer lines are a set of spectral lines named for the German physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826). The lines were originally observed as dark features (absorption lines) in the optical spectrum of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Fraunhofer lines — Astron. the dark lines of the solar spectrum. [1830 40; named after J. von FRAUNHOFER] * * * In astronomical spectroscopy, dark lines in a star s spectrum caused by selective absorption of its radiation at specific wavelengths by the various… …   Universalium

  • fraunhofer lines — the dark lines visible in solar and stellar spectra. Etymology: J. von Fraunhofer, Bavarian physicist d. 1826 * * * ˈfrau̇nˌhōfə(r) noun Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology: after Joseph von Fraunhofer died 1826 Bavarian optician and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fraunhofer lines — /ˈfraʊnhoʊfə laɪnz/ (say frownhohfuh luynz) plural noun the dark lines of the solar spectrum. {See Fraunhofer diffraction} …  

  • Fraunhofer, Joseph von — • Optician (1787 1826) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fraunhofer, Joseph von     Joseph von Fraunhofer …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Fraunhofer , Josef von — (1787–1826) German physicist and optician Fraunhofer, whose family was in the optical trade, was born in Straubing (now in Germany); he was apprenticed to an optician in Munich after his parents died. He subsequently moved to the Utzschneider… …   Scientists

  • Fraunhofer, Joseph von — ▪ German physicist born March 6, 1787, Straubing, Bavaria [Germany] died June 7, 1826, Munich  German physicist who first studied the dark lines of the Sun s spectrum, now known as Fraunhofer lines. He also was the first to use extensively the… …   Universalium

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