Frankfort horizontal plane
- Frankfort horizontal plane
Frank·fort hor·i·zon·tal plane 'fraŋk-fərt-.hȯr-ə-'zänt-əl-, -.här- n a plane used in craniometry that is determined the highest point on the upper margin of the opening of each external auditory canal and the low point on the lower margin of the left orbit and that is used to orient a human skull or head usu.
so that the plane is horizontal called also eye-ear plane, Frankfort horizontal, Frankfort plane
* * *
a horizontal plane represented in profile by a line between the lowest point on the margin of the orbit and the highest point on the margin of the external acoustic (auditory) meatus.
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plane — 1. A two dimensional flat surface. See planum. 2. An imaginary surface formed by extension of a point through any axis or two definite points, in reference especially to craniometry and to pelvimetry. SYN: planum. [L. planus, flat] Addison … Medical dictionary
Frankfort — See F. horizontal plane, F. mandibular incisor angle. [Frankfurt am Main, Germany] … Medical dictionary
eye-ear plane — n FRANKFORT HORIZONTAL PLANE * * * Frankfort horizontal p … Medical dictionary
orbital plane — 1. a plane passing through the two orbital points and perpendicular to the Frankfort horizontal plane; called also planum orbitale. 2. visual p … Medical dictionary
auriculoinfraorbital plane — Frankfort horizontal p … Medical dictionary
frankfort plane — noun see frankfurt horizontal … Useful english dictionary
frankfurt horizontal — noun or frankfort horizontal or frankfurt plane or frankfort plane Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology: Frankfurt am Main … Useful english dictionary
Axis — The axis is the second cervical vertebra (symbol: C2). It is called the axis because the uppermost cervical vertebra (called the atlas) rotates about the odontoid process of C2. The joint between the axis and atlas is a pivot type of joint. It… … Medical dictionary
facial angle — n the angle that is determined by the intersection of a line connecting the nasion and prosthion with the Frankfort horizontal plane and is used as a measure of prognathism * * * the angle formed by the junction of the Frankfort horizontal plane… … Medical dictionary
triangle — In anatomy and surgery, a three sided area with arbitrary or natural boundaries. SEE ALSO: trigonum, region. [L. triangulum, fr. tri , three, + angulus, angle] anal t. [TA] the posterior portion of the perineal region through which the … Medical dictionary