foot drop

foot drop
foot drop n an extended position of the foot caused by paralysis of the flexor muscles of the leg called also drop foot

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Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • foot drop — /ˈfʊt drɒp/ (say foot drop) noun a weakness in the positioning of the front part of the foot, causing fatigue in walking, and brought on by a range of conditions that may be anatomical, muscular, or nervous in origin. Also, foot flop …  

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  • foot drop — noun 1. : an extended position of the foot caused by paralysis of the flexor muscles of the leg called also toedrop 2. : a planter with a seed dropping mechanism to be operated by the foot * * * Pathol. extension of the foot caused by paralysis… …   Useful english dictionary

  • foot drop — Pathol. extension of the foot caused by paralysis of the flexor muscles of the leg. [1905 10] * * * …   Universalium

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