Fluorescence microscope — An upright fluorescence microscope (Olympus BX61) with the fluorescent filter cube turret above the objective lenses, coupled with a digital camera. A fluorescence microscope is an optical microscope used to study properties of organic or… … Wikipedia
fluorescence microscope — fluorescencinis mikroskopas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fluorescence microscope vok. Fluoreszenzmikroskop, n rus. флуоресцентый микроскоп, m pranc. microscope à fluorescence, m; microscope fluorescent, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
fluorescence microscope — noun : a microscope equipped to irradiate material under examination with ultraviolent in order to detect or study fluorescent components called also ultraviolet microscope … Useful english dictionary
fluorescence microscope — A microscope that exposes a specimen to light of a specific wavelength and then forms an image from the fluorescent light produced. Usually the specimen is stained with a fluorescent dye or fluorochrome … Dictionary of microbiology
fluorescence microscope — A variation of the compound laboratory light microscope which is arranged to admit ultraviolet, violet and sometimes blue radiations to a specimen, which then fluoresces … Forensic science glossary
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope — (TIRFM) diagram 1. Specimen 2. Evanescent wave range 3. Cover slip 4. Immersion oil 5. Objective 6. Emission beam (signal) 7. Excitation beam ] 1. Objective 2. Emission beam (signal) 3. Immersion oil 4. Cover slip 5. Specimen 6. Evanescent wave… … Wikipedia
Multiphoton fluorescence microscope — A multiphoton fluorescence microscope (MFM) is a specialized optical microscope. Contents 1 Description 2 See also 3 References 4 External links … Wikipedia
Microscope Optique — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Microscope. Un microscope optique de base. Le m … Wikipédia en Français
Microscope photonique — Microscope optique Pour les articles homonymes, voir Microscope. Un microscope optique de base. Le m … Wikipédia en Français
Microscope à fond noir — Microscope optique Pour les articles homonymes, voir Microscope. Un microscope optique de base. Le m … Wikipédia en Français