Femoral triangle — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = trigonum femorale GraySubject = 157 GrayPage = 626 Caption = Drawing of the left femoral triangle shows superior portion of the femoral vein. Caption2 = Right femoral sheath laid open to show its three… … Wikipedia
femoral triangle — Scarpa s triangle a triangular depression on the inner side of the thigh bounded by the sartorius and adductor longus muscles and the inguinal ligament. The pulse can be felt here as the femoral artery lies over the depression … The new mediacal dictionary
femoral triangle — noun or femoral trigone : scarpa s triangle … Useful english dictionary
Femoral — can refer to: * Femoral artery * Femoral vein * Femur * Femoral triangle * Femoral nerve … Wikipedia
femoral trigone — n FEMORAL TRIANGLE … Medical dictionary
triangle — In anatomy and surgery, a three sided area with arbitrary or natural boundaries. SEE ALSO: trigonum, region. [L. triangulum, fr. tri , three, + angulus, angle] anal t. [TA] the posterior portion of the perineal region through which the … Medical dictionary
Femoral vein — Vein: Femoral vein Drawing of the left femoral triangle shows superior portion of the femoral vein … Wikipedia
Femoral nerve — Nerve: Femoral nerve The lumbar plexus and its branches. (Femoral labeled at bottom left.) … Wikipedia
Femoral artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria femoralis GraySubject = 157 GrayPage = 623 Caption = Structures passing behind the inguinal ligament. (Femoral artery labeled at upper right.) Caption2 = Femoral artery and its major branches right… … Wikipedia
Triangle (disambiguation) — A triangle is a geometric shape that has three straight sides. Triangle can also refer to: Mathematics * Spherical triangle * Sierpinski triangle * Pascal s triangle * Triangle wave * Triangle inequality Objects * Triangle (instrument), a musical … Wikipedia