estral cycle

estral cycle
es·tral cycle 'es-trəl- or chiefly Brit oes·tral cycle 'ē-strəl- n ESTROUS CYCLE

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • estral cycle — noun Date: 1941 estrous cycle …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • estrous cycle — n the correlated phenomena of the endocrine and generative systems of a female mammal from the beginning of one period of estrus to the beginning of the next called also estral cycle, estrus cycle * * * the type of sexual cycle seen in most adult …   Medical dictionary

  • estrous cycle — noun Date: 1900 the correlated phenomena of the endocrine and reproductive systems of a female mammal from the beginning of one period of estrus to the beginning of the next called also estral cycle, estrus cycle …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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